Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not-so-wordless Wednesday #2

Kita betul-betul bebas dari penjajahan ke?

Sumber gambar:Migin 3.1

Girls #1: Blanka Vlasic

Kalau ada masa terluang, mari berkenalan dengan atlit lompat tinggi ni.

Nama: Blanka Vlasic
Lahir: 8/11/1983 di Split,Crotia
Tinggi: 1.93m

Bagi aku, dia hot. Kalau anda tak fikir macam tu, please cari tempat tinggi dan terjun.

Sumber: wikipedia

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bukan Gambar Lucah #5:Gambar kemalangan jalan raya.

Sempena raya. Pandu cermat, ingat orang tersayang.

Sangat mengerikan. Takut jangan tengok.

Tips Menyambut Raya Aidilfitri

Raya dah dekat. Tak sampai berapa jam je lagi. Mesti anda-anda semua sudah buat macam-macam untuk menyambut raya setahun sekali ni. Dari buat ketupat, lemang, kuih raya, beli baju, beli langsir, beli perabut, gaduh nak balik rumah belah bini atau suami, menangis sebab x dapat balik kampung dan macam-macam lagi. Aku? Aku biasa-biasa je, ada cadang nak pakai baju warna sama dengan seseorang tapi atas sebab-sebab tertentu aku x dapat pakai. Oh demm.

Di sini aku ada tips untuk anda semua menyambut raya dengan gembira.






6) Daripada bersemangat nak beraya, baik kita fikir tentang bulan Ramadan yang kita akan tinggalkan sekejap lagi. Yep, dah nak abis puasa ni baru la aku sedar yang aku tak gunakan Ramadan dengan sebaiknya.

Ok semua. Selamat hari raya. Maaf zahir batin. Jangan lupa mintak maaf dgn aku, dan jangan lupa ganti puasa kalau tertinggal.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Some laws & customs facts

In the code of laws of Hammurabi (1792–1750 B.C.), which is one of the first law codes in history and among the greatest ancient codes, the penalty for medical malpractice was for the doctor's hands to be cut off.

The oldest recorded death sentence is contained in the Amherst papyri, dating to 1500 B.C., which listed Egyptian state trials. A teenaged male, convicted of "magic", was sentenced to kill himself by either poison or stabbing.

Oxford University once had rules that specifically forbade students from bringing bows and arrows to class.

In 1853 Illinois passed a law that required any black entering the state and staying more than ten days to pay a fine of $50. If he could not pay, the black could be sold into slavery for a period commensurate with the fine.

In ancient Babylonia, if a poorly-built home collapsed on the owner, killing him, the architect was executed. If the owner's son was killed in the house collapse, the architect's son was put to death. If the homeowner's wife or daughter was killed, the architect was merely fined.

From all levels of government, Americans get 150,000 new laws and 2 million new regulations every year.

Under Massachusetts' Stubborn Child Act of 1654, parents could put their "stubborn" children to death.

Gaya Gadis Tudung Terbaru.

Hello. Sempena nak raya, buat anda gadis-gadis di luar sana untuk dijadikan inspirasi.

And lastly...

Yeah. Blame me for this stupid joke.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Babi: Boleh makan rupanya.

Yes. Kalau dia tak makan, macamne nak hidup.

Selamat berpuasa hari ke 20-something. Aku tak hafal. Yang hafal sama ada orang yang rajin tengok kalendar atau yang tak sabar nak raya.

Some science facts & trivia

According to the laws of gravity, the moon technically does not orbit the Earth. The two bodies actually both orbit around their common centre of gravity, which is located 1,000 miles beneath the surface of the Earth and is on a straight line between the centres of the Earth and moon. The centre of the Earth makes a small circle around that centre of gravity every 27 1/3 days.

To the nearest ten-thousandth of a mile, light travels at 186,282.3959 miles per second. At that rate, it takes slightly more than eight minutes to get to Earth from the sun. However, it takes light hundreds of years to travel from the sun's centre to its surface. The light must take a very indirect path to the surface due to the large number of collisions with particles within the sun.

An atomic clock kept at the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A., 1650 metres above sea level, gains about five microseconds each year relative to an identical clock kept at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, 25 metres above sea level. The reason is that gravity gets stronger as one gets closer to the Earth's core, and, according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, time is slower in stronger gravitational fields.

According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the amount of entropy in the universe always increases, which means that eventually, the universe must run down and life in the universe will cease.

While light has no mass, it has weight. Weight is a measurement of the pull of gravity on something, and light can be bent by gravity.

The largest number in the English language with a word naming it is a googolplex. This number is equal to 10 to the power of a googol, or 10 to the power of 10100. This number would be written as 1 followed by 10100 zeroes (except that, as there are far fewer particles in the universe than there are zeroes in a googolplex, the number could never be written out in full). The names "googol" and "googolplex" were both suggested in the 1930s by Milton Sirotta, the nine-year-old nephew of mathematician Dr. Edward Kasner.

Kumik Bangang #3

Aku memang takde kerje.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Quick review #1:KPOP

Hello, sebab internet fakking laju, aku terus rajin buat post ini. Yeah.

Keburukan K-POP:

-menghasilkan kebabian seperti ini.

Kebaikan K-POP:
-Menghasilkan kebabian seperti ini.
Boleh buat bahan lawak sial. Haha bangsat.

Info tak bermaruah ini tiada kena mengena dengan kumpulan K-POP Malaya, 24/7.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Yeah blog bangang aku ni dah 1000 views. Ceh belagak aku. Orang lain selamber je 1000 views sejam. Aku tunggu bape bulan nak 1000 views. Yela, blog xde faedah, buang masa je nak bace. Tapi blog ni walaupun buang mase, tapi penuh dengan keriangan pelangi.

Ape pun, sebab nanti raye aku bz tido, aku ucapkan 'selamat hari raya', kalau ade salah dgn aku, cepat2 mintak maaf.

Selamat subuh. Jumpe lagi bile aku ade mood nak menaip. Kat rumah otak jadi lembab.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Not-so-wordless Wednesday #1

Sempena riot di England.

"Kalau semua perbalahan boleh diselesaikan dengan perkataan 'maaf', tak seronok la dunia ni."

Assalamualaikum. Selamat subuh.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Melayu Islam suka membazir.

Hello, pada pagi yang indah ini, mari kita mengupas satu isu yang penting buat masa ini. Belah mana yang penting aku pun tak tahu.

Seperti yang anda tak tahu, semenjak ramadan ni, saya jadi rajin pergi ke masjid. Sama ada untuk terawikh atau untuk subuh. Ye, pergi masjid time subuh semate2 nak hisap rokok. Aku tau niat memang lari terus dari ikhlas, tapi sekurang2nya aku xla buang masa untuk isap rokok je. Dan sebelum korang fikir bukan2 aku smoke sebelum imsyak, so kalau imsyak pukul 5.37 aku keluar sebelum tu. Awal kan? Tu la jadinya kalau puasa kat rumah.

So berdasarkan pemerhatian aku selama beberapa hari aku rajin ke masjid ini, aku perhatikan yang sebenarnya kebanyakkan orang yang pegi masjid ni suka membazir. Membazir apa? Membazir air time ambil wuduk. Bukak air paip mcm nak kasi gajah mandi. WTF? Kadang-kadang sampai lencun lengan baju semata-mata wuduk tu. Kenapa sampai macam tu pakcik2 abang2 adik2 sekalian? Kenapa perlu membazir? X boleh ke bukak kecik sikit? Ape, takut tak cukup airnye? Aku pernah tengok orang ambil wuduk guna kuantiti air lebih kurang penutup botol air jela. Takut ade bahagian tak kena? Weh, kau sapu la elok2 wuduk kau, bukan bukak kuat2 pastu buat lalu je. Yang lagi bebal bukak paip lepas tu dok bual-bual dulu, ade yang dok perhati air pn ade. Ape ni? Mana sifat kesederhanaan kita?

Bukan aku nak cakap tak payah ambil wuduk, aku bukan nak buat agama sesat baru. Tapi tolongla berjimat. Bukak paip tu pelan2 je, tak payah la bukak kuat2. Kalau la orang Uganda tengok kita membazir air macam tu, mau pengsan dorang.

Ni belum aku bukak cerita pasal membazir masa berbuka. Haha.

nota bawah:sebab aku letak tajuk melayu islam? Sebab aku pergi masjid, bukan pergi kuil, mesti la pasal orang islam, kan? Melayu plak sebab aku x perasan lak ade kaum lain setakat ni sepanjang aku pegi masjid time bulan pose ni. Bukan racist, tapi memang aku x nampak. Tak pakai spek.